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한국교통대학교 웹사이트 입니다.

Major of Data Science images
Major of Data Science

The professors in the major of Data Science are making their best efforts to help students grow into talents who possess both the theory and practical skills in Data and Computer Science, so that they can contribute to our society.


In the era of the Digital Revolution, big data and computing are among the most crucial fields. Students, your pursuit of the new area and your passionate spirit of inquiry are invaluable! When combined with the dedicated efforts of our professors, I believe that the major of Data Science major will prosper to its fullest extent.


    • Tel 031-460-0580
    • Fax 043-841-5480

The major of Data Science takes pride in its history of over 40 years, originally stemming from the Department of Electronic Computing at the Chungju Technical College established in 1979. In 2012, with the merger of Chungju National University and Korea Railroad College, Korea National Transport University was founded, our department moved to Uiwang campus. Subsequently, in 2021, in response to the growing demand for new talents in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, the major of Data Science newly started.


Furthermore, in 2022, the newly established the department of AI Data Engineering, which combines two majors in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, has launched and is actively running interdisciplinary education programs covering AI, Data, and Transportation. The major of Data Science, in conjunction with the major of Artificial Intelligence, holds the significant responsibility of being the flagship IT department at the Uiwang campus, striving for a successful fusion with the fields of transportation and railroad.


Data science primarily involves analyzing vast and multifaceted datasets constructed through information and communication technologies to support decision-making for both businesses and the public sector. It also encompasses computer science and statistical techniques necessary for this process. Data science has enabled previously difficult tasks like predicting diseases, providing personalized media suggestions, creating interactive chatbots, and developing intelligent transportation systems. In the future, it is poised to be a driving force applied to almost every industry, contributing Looking ahead, it is expected to serve as a driving force in nearly every industry, fostering societal progress.


The major of Data Science at KNUT has aligned its educational curriculum with this societal demand, operating an interdisciplinary program at the intersection of big data, computer science, and transportation. Our entire faculty is dedicated to nurturing passionate and exceptional talents to meet these evolving needs.


Soosun Cho images
Professor Soosun Cho
Major field Computer Science (Data Mining)
  • Tel 031-460-0584
  • Fax 031-462-8208
  • Email sscho@ut.ac.kr
Major field
  • Tel 031-460-0585
  • Fax 031-462-208
  • Email leesw@ut.ac.kr
Suchul Lee images
Professor Suchul Lee
Major field Information Security, Communications, Artificial Intelligence
  • Tel 031-460-0586
  • Fax 031-462-8208
  • Email sclee@ut.ac.kr
Seokmin Han images
Professor Seokmin Han
Major field Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing
  • Tel 031-460-0587
  • Fax 031-462-8208
  • Email seokmin.han@ut.ac.kr
Seong Hwan Kim images
Professor Seong Hwan Kim
Major field Artificial Intelligence, Wireless Communication
  • Tel 031-460-0582
  • Fax 043-462-8208
  • Email seonghwan.kim@ut.ac.kr
Yong–Hwa Kim images
Professor Yong–Hwa Kim
Major field Artificial Intelligence, Communication, and Radar
  • Tel 031-460-0583
  • Email yongkim@ut.ac.kr
게시물 검색
Curriculum table - No, Grade, Semester, Subject name, Credit and time, Explanation
No. Grade Semester Subject name Credit and time Explanation
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