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Department of Natural Materials

Thank you for visiting the website of the Department of Natural Materials at Korea National University of Transportation.

Korea National University of Transportation established the Department of Natural Materials in November 2022 by participating in the University system of Chungbuk Bio-PRIDE, which was established in cooperation with local governments (Chungcheongbukdo) and 15 Universities in the province.

    • Tel 043-820-0000
    • Fax 043-841-5480

The Department of Natural Materials is a department for the joint curriculum operation of 15 universities in Chungcheongbukdo. It aims to cultivate and produce practical and research talent suitable for industrial demand in natural materials.

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게시물 검색
Curriculum table - No, Grade, Semester, Subject name, Credit and time, Explanation
No. Grade Semester Subject name Credit and time Explanation
33 2 1 Introduction to Cosmetic Industry 3-3-0 In addition to a general understanding of cosmetic industry, it is intended to acquire basic and professional knowledge in all cosmetic industry areas, such as cosmetic industry trends, research trends, product development, licensing, and economic evaluation.
32 2 1 Analytical Chemistry for Cosmeceutical Materials 3-3-0 This course aims to develop an ability to apply basic principles of analytical chemistry into the fields of cosmetic materials by educating exact theories and methods to analyze materials which are involved in cosmetic industries. With this course, students can improve their practical ability that can be used in cosmetic industry in the aspects of engineering-based analytical chemistry.
31 2 1 Public Health Science 3-3-0 Public Health Science informs theories, epidemiology, administration of communicable diseases, including acute and chronic communicable diseases, administration of parasite, environment hygiene, environment conservation, and etc.
30 2 1 Beauty Plastic Surgery 3-3-0 As appearance emerges as a major factor in competitiveness, the demand for plastic surgery is increasing. Accordingly, the accumulation of knowledge in terms of medical aesthetics is required. The purpose of this course is to cultivate theoretical knowledge about plastic surgery at the medical level and the ability to consult with plastic surgery consumers from an aesthetic level. To this end, the course covers the aesthetic dimension of plastic surgery, types of cosmetic surgery, operational characteristics, and precautions.
29 2 1 Biohealth Industry and Intellectual Property 3-3-0 This course is designed to understand the basic concept of intellectual property rights system unique to the biohealth industry through important domestic and international patent litigation cases in the field of biohealth industry. In addition, it delivers three-dimensional knowledge about major laws and regulations that researchers need to know in the biohealth industry, how to use intellectual property at each stage of R&D, checklists, and related support projects. Finally, various cases of analyzing intellectual property trends and important issues in the biohealth industry are reviewed.
28 2 1 Life Science Basics 3-3-0 This course is designed to introduce basic concepts to students with various backgrounds about life science, and to understand various biological phenomena. As a basic subject, the purpose of this course is to understand the integrated knowledge of life science, to learn scientific processes and methods for this, and to develop the ability to apply scientific knowledge to solve personal and social problems. It aims to satisfy the basic academic achievements that the Bio-Health majors must have.
27 2 1 Cosmetics quality management 3-3-0 As the cosmetics industry is increasing and becomes global, the importance of cosmetic quality management is also increasing. In this course, the students will learn about the quality control tasks required for testing and inspection methods related to cosmetic quality control, management, supervision, work, organization, management of cosmetic market shipments, and safety management of distributed cosmetics.
26 2 1 Cosmetic & Perfumery 3-3-0 Based on the background of alternative medicine that aims for beauty as physical, mental, and holistic health, it understands the basic concepts of scent and learns the characteristics, composition, and structure of natural and synthetic fragrances, enabling various convergent thinking with three-dimensional knowledge from the perspective of wellness, aromatherapy, and aromachology.
25 2 2 Understanding of Customized Cosmetics 3-3-0 This course introduces basic knowledge and characteristics of cosmetics, the necessity of customized cosmetics, and related laws. In addition, through this course, students can acquire the national certificate of 'Customized Cosmetics Dispensing Manager'.
24 2 2 Colloids & Surface Chemistry 3-3-0 There are various types of product in cosmetic formula and used hundreds of ingredients in cosmetics. Among these ingredients soluble and mixable in each other or not. The reason of not soluble and mixable is difference of surface or interfacial tension between each material. If we use a surfactant in formulation we can mix that which have unmixable ingredients with decreasing interfacial tension. In this subject students learn the variety, characteristics, functions, purpose of surfactant.