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일반대학원에 관한 표로 이수구분, 교과목번호, 교과목명, 학점에 대한 내용입니다.
번 호
교과목명 학점
공통필수 84025 논문연구및세미나(Research for the Master's Degree or Seminar) 1
전공선택 84002 에너지변환특론(Advanced Energy Conversion Theory) 3
84003 전기기기제어(Electric Machine Control) 3
84004 FEM응용론(Application of Finite Element Method) 3
84005 고급회로망해석(Advanced Network Analysis) 3
84006 제어시스템해석(Control System Analysis) 3
84007 전력전자시스템이론 및 설계(Power Electronic Systems Theory and Design) 3
84008 전동기구동회로설계(Design of the Motor Drive Systems) 3
84009 스위칭모드전원장치설계(Switching Mode Power Supply Design) 3
84010 전력계통해석론(Theory of Power System Analysis) 3
84011 전력계통계획(Power System Planning) 3
84012 전력계통과도해석(Transient Analysis of Power System) 3
84013 임베디드시스템제어(Embedded System Control) 3
84014 제어계측응용특론(Advanced Control and Measurement Application) 3
84015 유전체현상론(Dielectric Phenomena Theory) 3
84016 고체물리특론(Advanced Solid State Physics) 3
84017 전자세라믹스응용(Application of Electro Ceramics) 3
84018 고전압전력기기설계특론(Advanced Design of High Voltage Electric Machines) 3
84019 유한요소해석법특론(Advanced Analysis using Finite Element Method) 3
84020 전력계통보호협조(Power System Protection) 3
84021 전력계통신뢰도(Power System Reliability) 3
84022 신재생에너지특론(Topics in New & Renewable Energy) 3
84023 이산시스템(Discrete Event System) 3
84024 배전시스템특론(Topics in Power Distribution System) 3
84026 신재생에너지변환(Renewable Energy Conversion) 3
84027 연료전지시스템공학(Fuel Cell System Engineering) 3
84028 초전도자기응용(Applied Superconductivity and Magnetism) 3
84029 전기설비진단특론(Advanced Diagnosis of Electric Facilities) 3
84030 디지털제어시스템설계(Digital Control System Design) 3
84031 절연설계특론(Advanced Electrical Insulation Design) 3
84032 전력기기설계특론(Advanced Design of Power Apparatus) 3
84033 FEM해석응용론(Analysis and Application Theory of Finite Element Method) 3
84034 배전설비신뢰도평가특론(Advanced Reliability Evaluation of Power Distribution System) 3
84035 배전시스템조류계산특론(Advanced Power Flow Calculation of Power Distribution System) 3
84036 배전설비진단특론(Advanced Diagnosis of Power Distribution Facilities) 3
84037 배전설비용 고분자재료물성특론(Advanced Polymer Material Property for Power Distriution Facilities) 3
84038 배전용 교류전력기기설계특론(Advanced Design of AC Electric Machine for Power Distribution)  
84039 배전계통해석 및 최적설계기술특론(Advanced Analysis of Power Distribution System and Optimal Design Techniques) 3
84040 친환경절연재료특론(Advanced Eco-Friendly Electric Insulating Materials) 3