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▶ 학력

대구대학교 일반대학원 재활과학과 졸업(이학박사)
대구대학교 재활과학대학원 물리치료학과 졸업(이학석사)
대구대학교 물리치료학과 졸업(이학사)

▶ 경력
2020.03 – 현재 : 한국교통대학교 물리치료학과 교수
2013.03 – 2020.02 : 김천대학교 물리치료학과 교수
2006.03 – 2009.06 : 대구가톨릭대학병원 물리치료사

▶ 연구 업적


장상훈 외 공저. (2020) 물리의학 진단 - ICF 구조에 의한 임상의사 결정과 진단, 현문사
장상훈 외 공저. (2020) 질환별 물리치료, 영문출판사
장상훈 외 공저. (2019), 측정및평가, 학지사메디컬
장상훈 외 공저. (2019), 약리학, 고문사
장상훈 외 공저. (2018), 보조기·의지학, 대학서림
장상훈 외 공저. (2016), 전기치료학, 현문사
장상훈 외 공저. (2016), 최신전기치료학, 하늘뜨락
장상훈 외 공저. (2015), 임상의사결정, 에듀팩토리
장상훈 외 공저. (2015), 물리치료 임상의사결정 중재 프로세스, 범문에듀케이션
장상훈 외 공저. (2015), 물리치료 임상의사결정 사례별, 범문에듀케이션


- (2021) Three-dimensional analysis of injury conditions of single muscle fibers in small animals using

  phase-contrast X-ray imaging [MICROSCOPY RESEARCH AND TECHNIQUE]
- (2021)  Effects of mirror therapy combined with EMG-triggered functional electrical stimulation to improve on standing balance

  and gait ability in patient with chronic stroke [International Journal of Environmental Research  and Public Health]
- (2021) Micro­and nano­tomography analysis of mouse soleus muscle using radiation [MICROSCOPY RESEARCH AND TECHNIQUE]
- (2021) Three-dimensional structure analysis of mouse nails using synchrotron radiation [Mycroscopy]
- (2020). Synchrotron radiation imaging analysis of neural damage in mouse soleus muscle [Scientific Reports]
- (2019) Effects of the moment arm length of backpacks on balance and walking while carrying a backpack

  [Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial Cooperation Society]
- (2019) Convergence of Comparison of Muscle Activities of Healthy Adults’ trunk and Lower Extremities according

   to wearing/not-wearing and forms of backpack [Journal of the Korea Convergence Society]
- (2019) The Effects of Force That Pushes Forward Lumbar Region on Sagittal Spinal Alignment When Wearing

  Backpack [International Journal of Environmental Research  and Public Health]
- (2019) The inter/intra brain metabolite concentration change as applying the rehabilitate treatment in intra-cerebral

  hemorrhage rat models: Pilot study [Applied Magnetic Resonance]
- (2019) Usefulness of synchrotron radiation for three-dimensional
  microstructure analysis of the mouse tibia [MICROSCOPY RESEARCH AND TECHNIQUE]
- (2019) Effects of light touch on balance in patients with stroke [Open Medicine]
- (2019) The effects of the neck stabilization exercise on the muscle activity of trunk respiratory muscles and maximum

  voluntary ventilation of chronic stroke patients [Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation]
- (2018) A Convergence study on effects of progressive proprioceptive motor program training on proprioception and

  balance ability in chronic stroke patients. [Journal of the Korea Convergence Society]
- (2017) Phase-contrast hard X-ray microscopy using synchrotron radiation for the properties of skeletal muscle in

- (2017) The reliability and validity of the Korean version of the Japanese orthopaedic association back pain evaluation

  questionnaire  [Journal of Physical Therapy Science]
- (2017) Effect of Different Environmental Application on Blood Melatonin Density in Sleep Disordered Rats

  [Korean Society of Community Based Occupational Therapy Association]
- (2017) The Effects of Modified Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy on Hand Functions of Children With Hemiplegic

  Cerebral Palsy [Korean Society of Community Based Occupational Therapy Association]
- (2016) Nerve growth factor expression in stroke induced rats after shock wave [Journal of Physical Therapy Science]
- (2016) Effects of treadmill speed on the knee angle and stance time of white rats with knee osteoarthritis according

  to the treadmill speed [Journal of Physical Therapy Science]
- (2016) Effects of an upper-limb exercise program for improving muscular strength and range of movement on respiratory

  function of stroke patients [Journal of Physical Therapy Science]
- (2016) Impact of sensory integration training on balance among stroke patients: Sensory integration training on balance

  among stroke patients [Open Medicine]
- (2016) Effect of thoracic and cervical joint mobilization on pulmonary function in stroke patients [Journal of Physical

  Therapy Science]

2019-2021 회복작용과 보상작용 메카니즘 분석을 기반으로 뇌졸중 모델의 질적인 기능회복을 위한 운동프로토콜 개발연구, 과학기술정보통신부
2018 뇌졸중 환자의 보행훈련을 위한 지능형 보행 신경근 전기자극장치의 개발, 중소벤처기업부
2017-2019 ICT 앱 기반의 자동화 어깨끈 조절장치가 구비된 스마트 자세교정용 옻칠 백팩, 산업통상자원부
2016 척추질환 예방을 위한 6point 압박조절 체결 방식 기반의 이중 분리형 S커브 자세교정용 백팩캐리어 개발, 중소기업청
2016 척추측만증 여고생의 근육생리학적 및 생역학적 분석과 상하지를 이용한 정렬개선 운동프로토콜 개발, 경상북도교육청