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일반대학원 교육프로그램의 이수구분, 교과목번호, 교과목명, 학점의 항목에 관한 내용입니다.
이수구분 교과목번호 교과목명 학점 
공통필수 81025 논문연구및세미나 (Research for the Master’s Degree or Seminar) 1
전공선택 공통 81001 위생시스템 설비계획 특론(Advanced Plumbing System Design in Building) 3
81002 공조시스템 설비계획 특론(Advanced HVAC System Design in Building) 3
81003 건축설비 평가방법론(Advanced Evaluation Methodology for Building Equipment Systems) 3
81004 인텔리전트빌딩 설비계획 특론(Advanced Building Equipment System for Intelligent Building) 3
81005 친환경 건축물 요소기술과 설계기법(Sustainable Building Strategies & Design Method) 3
81006 건축환경 평가방법론(Advanced Evaluation Methodology for Architectural Environment Designs) 3
81007 건축환경과 오염(Architectural Environment and Pollution) 3
81008 건축환경 특론(Advanced Architectural Environment Design) 3
81009 건물의 구조 안전진단 및 보강(Structural Assesment and Retrofit of Building) 3
81010 건축구조계획특론 (Advanced Theory of Structural Planning) 3
81011 철근콘크리트설계특론(Advanced Theory of Reinforced Concrete Structures) 3
81012 강구조설계특론(Advanced Design of Steel Structure ) 3
81013 구조물 탄소성 해석(Elasto-Plastic Analysis of Structure) 3
81014 내진설계특론(Advanced Seismic Resistant Design) 3
81017 내진설계특론(Advanced Seismic Resistant Design) 3
81018 콘크리트내구성론(Advanced Durability of Concrete) 3
81019 콘크리트공학론(Concrete Engineering) 3
81020 건축품질관리론(Theory of Architectural Quality Control) 3
81021 건축공사관리론(Theory and Methods of Construction Management) 3
81022 공사계약론(Theory of Construction Contract) 3
81023 건축기술특론(Advanced Building Construction Technology) 3
81024 건설경영공학론(Construction Management and Project Engineering) 3
81026 건설정보론(Building Information Modeling(BIM)) 3
81027 프로젝트관리론 (Project and Construction Knowledge Management) 3
81028 콘크리트 구조물 유지관리 및 보수기술(Concrete Structures Maintenance and Repair technology) 3
81029 건축구조세미나(Research Seminar) 3
81030 프리스트레스트/프리캐스트콘크리트구조(Prestressed/Precast Concrete Structure) 3
81031 건축융합소재(Building Materials Fused with Chemistry) 3
81032 4차 산업연계 스마트홈(Smart Home Materials Connected 4th Industrial Revolution) 3
81033 디지털 패브리케이션(Digital Fabrication)
(Studies in Financial Statement analysis and firm valuation with accounting information)
81034 4차 산업과 엔지니어(Engineer’s Social Responsibility Connected 4th Industrial Revolution) 3