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    • 연구실 종합강의동 309호
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      E-mail wowso@ut.ac.kr

▶ 학력
- 서울대학교 사범대학원 체육교육학과 건강운동과학 전공 졸업 박사
- 서강대학교 교육대학원 체육교육학과 운동생리학 전공 졸업 석사
- 한국체육대학교 사회체육학과 졸업 학사

▶ 경력

- 2014.09 – 현재 : 한국교통대학교 스포츠의학과 정교수

- 2012.03 – 2014.08 : 서울여자대학교 체육학과 조교수

- 2010.09 – 2012.03 : 미국 North Carolina A&T 주립대 교수

- 2010.03 – 2010.08 : 서울대학교 스포츠과학연구소 선임연구원

▶ 학술 활동

- 2022.01 – 현재 : 국기원 학술지 (KCI 등재지) 편집위원

- 2020.01 – 현재 : Journal of Men’s Health (SSCI IF=0.789), Associate Editor (부편집위원장)

- 2020.01 – 현재 : Iranian Journal of Public Health (SSCI IF=1.479), Editor (편집위원)

- 2019.11 – 현재 : International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (SSCI IF=4.614, Q1), Editor (편집위원)

- 2010.03 – 현재 : BMC Public Health (IF=4.135) 등 다수의 SCI 저널 심사위원

▶ 연구 철학

- 깊은 구덩이를 파려면 넓게 파라.

- 양적 연구가 결국에는 최고의 질적 연구를 만든다 (Quantity Makes Quality)

▶ 연구 분야

- Exercise Science for Adolescent, Obese, and Elderly

- Epidemiology with Physical Activity and Exercise Training

▶ 대표 학술 저서

- 2022.09 : 파워 운동생리학 11펀 (최대혁, 소위영). 라이프사이언스.

- 2015.01 : 신체활동 연구에서의 역학적 방법 (소위영, 유병욱). 형설출판사.

- 위 저서 외 4권 출판, 총 6권 저서 출판

▶ 대표 학술 논문 (IF 3.0 이상 논문만 명시, 상위 인용지수 논문 순서로 나열) (2022년 10월 현재)

(1) (IF=13.077) The effects of aerobic exercise training on oxidant-antioxidant balance, neurotrophic factor levels, and blood-brain barrier function in obese and non-obese men. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 6(4); 447-453. 2017.12.

(2) (IF=13.077) Obesity promotes oxidative stress and exacerbates blood-brain barrier disruption after high-intensity exercise. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 6(2); 225–230. 2017.06.

(3) (IF=13.077) Effects of Different Fluid Replacements on Serum HSP70 and Lymphocyte DNA Damage in College Athletes during Exercise at High Ambient Temperatures. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 5(4): 448-455. 2016.12.

(4) (IF=6.706) Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome among Korean Adolescents According to the National Cholesterol Education Program, Adult Treatment Panel III and International Diabetes Federation. Nutrients, 8: 588. 2016.10.

(5) (IF=5.668) A cross-sectional study evaluating the effects of resistance exercise on inflammation and neurotrophic factors in elderly women with obesity. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9; 842. 2020.03.

(6) (IF=5.580) Association between physical activity and obesity-related factors. Minerva Medica, 112(3):418-420. 2021.06.

(7) (IF=5.214) Secular trends in the prevalence of weight misperception among Korean adults, 2001–2013. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 12(4); 346-350. 2018.08.

(8) (IF=5.214) Association between obesity and various parameters of physical fitness in Korean students. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 7(1); e67-e74. 2013.01.

(9) (IF=5.214) Relationship between obesity in Korean adolescents and the frequency of alcohol consumption, the amount of alcohol consumed, and the frequency of severe alcohol intoxication. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 6;e159-e166, 2012.04.

(10) (IF=4.619) Effect of Exercise Intensity on Neurotrophic Factors and Blood–Brain Barrier Permeability Induced by Oxidative–Nitrosative Stress in Male College Students. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 27(3); 139-146. 2017.06.

(11) (IF=4.619) Physical activity and sedentary behavior's association with body weight in Korean adolescents. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 23(1); 1-10. 2013.02.

(12) (IF=4.619) 12 Weeks of Combined Exercise Is Better Than Aerobic Exercise for Increasing Growth Hormone in Middle-Aged Women. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 20(1);21-26. 2010.02.

(13) (IF=4.614) Factor Structure of the Korean Version of the Occupational Socialization of Beginning Physical Education Teachers Scale in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Relationship with Health Perception Education. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19: 7069. 2022.06.

(14) (IF=4.614) The relationship between body composition and physical fit-ness and the effect of exercise according to the level of child-hood obesity using the MGPA model. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19: 487. 2022.01.

(15) (IF=4.614) Effects of school-based physical activity programs on health-related physical fitness of Korean adolescents: a preliminary study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18:2976, 2021.03.

(16) (IF=4.614) The Association between Vigorous Physical Activity and Stress in Adolescents with Asthma. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18:3467, 2021.03.

(17) (IF=4.614) The Relationship between Korean Adolescents’ Sports Participation, Internal Health Locus of Control, and Wellness during COVID-19. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18:2950, 2021.03.

(18) (IF=4.614) Importance-Performance Analysis of Health Perception among Korean Adolescents during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18:1280, 2021.01.

(19) (IF=4.614) Difficulties of Online Physical Education Classes in Middle and High School and an Efficient Operation Plan to Address Them. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17:7279. 2020.10.

(20) (IF=4.614) Mediating Effect of Sports Participation on the Relationship between Health Perceptions and Health Promoting Behavior in Adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17:6744. 2020.09.

(21) (IF=4.614) Relationships between Exercise Modality and Activity Restriction, Quality of Life, and Hematopoietic Profile in Korean Breast Cancer Survivors. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17:6899. 2020.09.

(22) (IF=4.614) Development and Implementation of a “Music Beeps” Program to Promote Physical Fitness in Adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17:6148. 2020.08.

(23) (IF=4.614) Big Data Analysis of Sports and Physical Activities among Korean Adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17:5577. 2020.08.

(24) (IF=4.614) Effect of C242T Polymorphism in the Gene Encoding the NAD(P)H Oxidase p22phox Subunit and Aerobic Fitness Levels on Redox State Biomarkers and DNA Damage Responses to Exhaustive Exercise: A Randomized Trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17:4215. 2020.06.

(25) (IF=4.614) Effects of regular Taekwondo intervention on oxidative stress biomarkers and myokines in overweight and obese adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17:2505. 2020.04.

(26) (IF=4.614) The association between body mass index and leisure-time physical activity in adults with multiple sclerosis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17:920. 2020.02.

(27) (IF=4.614) Factors influencing quality of life of Korean elderly women by economic status. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17:888. 2020.01.

(28) (IF=4.614) Factors associated with adolescents’ Internet use duration by suicidal ideation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17:433. 2020.01.

(29) (IF=4.614) Effects of aromatherapy combined with music therapy on anxiety, stress, and fundamental nursing skills in nursing students: A randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16:4185. 2019.10.

(30) (IF=4.614) Differences in the levels of physical activity, mental health, and quality of life of elderly Koreans with activity limiting disabilities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16; 2736. 2019.07.

(31) (IF=4.614) High body mass index is associated with the extent of muscle damage after eccentric exercise. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15; 1378. 2018.07.

(32) (IF=4.614) Taekwondo training improves mood and sociability in children from multicultural families in South Korea: A randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15; 757. 2018.04.

(33) (IF=4.614) The Effects of Taekwondo Training on Peripheral Neuroplasticity-Related Growth Factors, Cerebral Blood Flow Velocity, and Cognitive Functions in Healthy Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14;454. 2017.04.

(34) (IF=4.606) Induction of Vasodilation by Hydrogen Peroxide and Its Application in Exercise Science. Biology of Sport, 29(2);87-92. 2012.04.

(35)  (IF=4.481) Gender differences of home-based cardiac rehabilitation in post-percutaneous coronary intervention patients. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 31(2); 249-255. 2019.02.

(36) (IF=4.481) Body composition, fitness level, anabolic hormones, and inflammatory cytokines in the elderly: a randomized controlled trial. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 25(2); 167-174. 2013.05.

(37) (IF=4.424) Association between asthma and physical activity in Korean adolescents: The 3rd Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey (KYRBWS-III). European Journal of Public Health, 22(6); 864-868. 2012.12.

(38) (IF=4.415) Ranking prediction model using the competition record of Ladies Professional Golf Association players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 32(8); 2363-2374. 2018.08.

(39) (IF=4.415) The relative importance of performance factors in Korean archery. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 29(5); 1211-1219. 2015.05.

(40) (IF=4.411) Relationship between bone-specific physical activity scores and measures for body composition and bone mineral density in healthy young college women. PLoS One, 11(9):e0162127 2016.09.

(41) (IF=4.253) Prevalence and correlates of metabolic syndrome and its components in elderly Korean adults. Experimental Gerontology, 84(11): 107-112. 2016.11.

(42) (IF=4.253) Prevalence and correlates of fear of falling in Korean community-dwelling elderly subjects. Experimental Gerontology, 48(11); 1323-1328. 2013.11.

(43) (IF=4.135) Prevalence and Sociodemographic Trends of Weight Misperception in Korean Adolescents. BMC Public Health, 14:452. 2014.05.

(44) (IF=4.135) Association between physical activity and academic performance in Korean adolescent students, BMC Public Health, 12;258. 2012.04.

(45) (IF=4.017) Reliability of the one-repetition maximum (1RM) test based on muscle group and gender. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 11(2); 221-225. 2012.06.

(46) (IF=4.017) The relationship between school performance and the number of physical education classes attended by Korean adolescent students. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 11(2); 226-230. 2012.06.

(47) (IF=4.017) Prevalence of obesity in Korean adolescents and its relationship with the weekly frequency of the physical education classes. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 10(4);679-684. 2011.12.

(48) (IF=4.017) Effect of 12 weeks of combined exercise training on visfatin and metabolic syndrome factors in obese middle-aged women. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 10(1);222-226. 2011.03.

(49) (IF=4.017) Differences in physical fitness and cardiovascular function depend on BMI in Korean men. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 9(2);239-244. 2010.06.

(50) (IF=3.889) Big Data Analysis of the Key Attributes Related to Stress and Mental Health in Korean Taekwondo Student Athletes. Sustainability, 14: 477. 2022.01.

(51) (IF=3.465) Effects of acute grape seed extract supplementation on muscle damage after eccentric exercise: A randomized, controlled clinical trial. Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, 17(2); 77-79. 2019.04.

(52) (IF=3.160) The Effects of 24 Weeks of Non-Face-To-Face Home Exercise on Body Composition, Physical Fitness, Cardiovascular Function, and Blood Profiles in Pre-metabolic Syndrome Korean Adults: A Pilot Study. Healthcare. 10: 1963. 2022.10.

(53) (IF=3.160) Analysis of Fall Events, Physical Fitness, and Gait Speed According to Fall Risk in Older Korean Women. Healthcare. 10: 1936. 2022.10.

(54) (IF=3.160) Relationship between Uncertainty and Quality of Life among Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: Mediating Effects of Social Support. Healthcare. 10: 1805. 2022.09.

(55) (IF=3.160) Association between Blood Vitamin D Levels and Regular Physical Activity in Korean Adolescents. Healthcare, 10: 1277. 2022.07.

(56) (IF=3.160) The effect of Schroth rehabilitation exercise program on spinal and feet alignment in adolescent patients with idiopathic scoliosis: A pilot study. Healthcare, 10: 398. 2022.02.

(57) (IF=3.160) Assessing the Needs of People with Disabilities for Physical Activities and Sports in South Korea. Healthcare, 10: 265. 2022.01.

(58) (IF=3.160) Participation in sports activities before and after the outbreak of COVID-19: analysis of data from the 2020 Korea National Sports Participation Survey. Healthcare, 10: 122. 2022.01.

(59) (IF=3.160) Relationship of Physical Activity and Sedentary Time with Metabolic Health in Children and Adolescents Measured by Accelerometer: A Narrative Review. Healthcare, 9:709, 2021.06.

(60) (IF=3.160) Association between Cigarette Smoking and Physical Fitness Level of Korean Adults and the Elderly, Healthcare, 9:185. 2021.02. - 위 논문 외 SCI 154편 출판

- 2022. 10. 현재 SCI 214편, KCI 67편 출판, 총 281편 논문 등재


- 2017. 동작인식 기술과 융합한 인체 측정학 체력요소 측정 솔루션 개발. 중소기업청

- 2013. 체력에 따른 수면박탈이 심박동 및 운동수행력에 미치는 영향. 체육과학연구원

- 2013. 농구 경기력 향상을 위한 경기자료 구축 및 요인분석. 문화체육관광부

- 2013. 고강도 운동시 소리 환경이 뇌의 전두전야의 혈류 변화. 체육과학연구원

- 2012. 한국청소년의 주당체육수업시수와 비만유병률. 최우수논문선정. 한국연구재단

- 2010. 원호궤적을 가지는 새로운 운동기구의 개발. 체육과학연구원

- 2010. 박사과정 이후 미국 포스트 닥터(Post-Doc) 선정. 한국연구재단

- 2009. 농구 종목 지도서 개발 사업. 체육과학연구원

- 2009. 건강증진센터 전문인력 위탁운영 사업. 보건복지부

- 2008. Program evaluation 방법 건강교육통합 노인운동프로그램 개발. 한국연구재단

- 2006-2010. 서울대-관악구청 학관협력 위탁사업 골든웰빙프로그램 운영. 관악구청

- 2006. 한국인의 비만 개선을 위한 운동요법의 평가체계 개발. 보건복지부


- 2022.01. 우수교수상, 한국교통대학교

- 2018.09. 공로상, 한국교통대학교

- 2018.01. 우수교수상, 한국교통대학교

- 2013.02. 우수교수상, 서울여자대학교

- 2012.05. 최우수논문선정. 한국연구재단

- 2009.02. 우수교수상(시간강사). 서울대학교


- 중등 정교사 2급 (체육) 교원 자격증, 교육부

- 건강운동관리사, 문화체육관광부

- 1급 생활스포츠지도사 (수영), 문화체육관광부

- 1급 생활스포츠지도사 (스키), 문화체육관광부

- 1급 생활스포츠지도사 (보디빌딩), 문화체육관광부

- 1급 생활스포츠지도사 (스킨스쿠버), 문화체육관광부

- 1급 생활스포츠지도사 (레크리에이션), 문화체육관광부

- 수상 인명 구조원 (라이프 가드) 자격증, 대한적십자

- 수상 인명 구조원 (라이프 가드) 강사 자격증, 대한적십자

- 응급처치 (심폐소생술) 전문가 자격증 취득, 대한적십자

- 응급처치 (심폐소생술) 강사 자격증 취득, 대한적십자

- 스킨스쿠버 DIVE MASTER (상급) 자격증 취득, 한국잠수협회

위 자격증 외 19개 (체육)교육 관련 자격증 취득 (총 31개 자격증 보유)