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Welcome to Korea National University of transportation

본문 시작

College of Convergence Technology

Based on the consumer-centered on-site customized education system, College of Convergence Technology is equipped with a systematic system ranging from basic to applied fields for producing key professionals leading knowledge-based society of the future. It is also a practical education centered college setting its educational objectives in development of creative·comprehensive problem-solving ability, enhanced practical ability, ability to apply knowledge of major, creative design ability, cultivation of qualification of leaders for the next generation, and fostering engineers with harmonious personality which is demanded in the industry-based society.

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Automotive Engineering
Department of Aeronautical and Mechanical Design Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering
Department of Electronic Engineering
Department of Computer Engineering
Department of Computer software
Department of AI Robotics Engineering
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Department of Precision Medicine·Medical Device