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한국교통대학교 웹사이트 입니다.


Welcome to Korea National University of transportation

본문 시작


For students from far regions are provided with dormitory and the amenities so that they can focus on their study, form sound personality and enjoy university life with discipline and order. Chungju campus has Kukwon Dorm(alley type, 340 males), Yesong Dorm (apartment type, 246 males), Jungwon Dorm(studio office type, 290 females), Jeungpyeong campus has CheongA Dorm(alley type, 78 males & 254 females) and Uiwang campus has Baekin Dorm (alley type, 244 males & 40 females). Each room is for two persons and amenities include study rooms, PC rooms and gyms.
Each room has two beds, and the dormitories provide additional facilities such as a computer room, reading room,and gymnasium.