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일반대학원 융합경영학과(박사) 교육프로그램

일반대학원 융합경영학과(박사) 교육프로그램의 이수구분, 교과목번호, 교과목명, 학점의 항목에 관한 내용입니다.
이수구분 교과목번호 교과목명 학점 
공통필수 71116 논문연구및세미나(Research for the Master's Degree and/or Seminar) 1
전공선택 공통 71146 CRM(Customer Relationship Management) 3
71153 IT R&D 기획론(Planning on the IT R&D) 3
71118 MPC(Manufacturing Planning and Control System) 3
71120 Scheduling Theory(Scheduling Theory) 3
71122 SCM및 물류관리특론I(Advanced SCM and Logistics Management I) 3
71123 SCM및 물류관리특론II(Advanced SCM and Logistics Management II) 3
71040 경영정보시스템특론(Advanced Management Information System) 3
71064 경영참가론(Management Participation) 3
71126 계량경영 및 데이터분석(Quantitative Management and Data Analysis) 3
71147 고급데이터마이닝(Advanced Data Mining)  3
71149 고급데이터웨어하우징(Advanced Dataware Housing) 3
71142 고급재무정보관리(Advanced Financial Information Management)  3
71130 고급재무회계연구(Studies in Financial Accounting) 3
71124 공정모델링 및 시뮬레이션(Process Modeling and Simulation) 3
71131 관리회계연구(studies in Managerial Accounting) 3
71125 글로벌 서비스 운영관리(Global Service Operation Management) 3
71110 글로벌재무관리(International Finance Management) 3
71141 금융기관경영론세미나
(Seminar on the Banking and Financial Institutions)
71151 기술관리특론(Management of Technology) 3
71145 기업경영정보분석세미나
(Seminar on the Business Information Analysis)
71144 기업재무정보세미나(Seminar on Corporate Financial Information) 3
71138 기업회계와 재무보고(Corporate Accounting and Financial Reporting) 3
71063 노사관계론(Industrial Relations) 3
71069 리더십이론(Ledership Theory) 3
71150 소프트웨어공학특론(Software Engineering) 3
71109 위험관리론(Risk Management) 3
71155 인공지능형의사결정지원시스템(Artificial Intelligent Decision Support System) 3
71099 인적자원개발론(Human Resource Development) 3
71128 임금관리특론(Wage Management) 3
71132 자본시장회계이론(Capital Market Studies in Accounting) 3
71119 재고관리(Inventory Management) 3
71143 재무정보관리특수연구
(Special Topics in Financial Information Management)
71133 재무제표분석과 기업가치 평가연구
(Studies in Financial Statement analysis and firm valuation with accounting information)
71134 전략적 원가관리(Strategic Cost Management) 3
71129 전략적 인적자원관리론(Strategic Human Resource Management) 3
71154 정보보호론 및 윤리론(Information protect & Ethics Research) 3
71152 정보시스템감사론(Information System Auditing) 3
71156 정보통신공학론(Information Network Engineering) 3
71117 제품․서비스운영관리특론
(Advanced Service and Production Operation Management)
71127 조직개발세미나(Seminar on Organization Development) 3
71066 조직이론(Oranizational Theory) 3
71060 조직행동세미나(Seminar on Organizational Behavior) 3
71101 조직혁신론(Organizational Innovation) 3
71158 중소기업정책론(Policy for the Small and Medium Sized Company) 3
71157 지식경영시스템연구(Study on Knowledge Management Systems) 3
71113 투자론세미나(Seminar on the Investments) 3
71107 파생금융상품론(Derivative Financial Assets) 3
71140 포트폴리오이론세미나(Seminar on the Portfolio Theory) 3
71121 품질경영 특론(Advanced Quality Management) 3
71148 프로젝트관리특론(Special Topic on Project Management) 3
71139 환경 및 품질회계(Quality and Environment Accounting) 3
71135 회계모델링과 분석(Accounting Modeling and Analysis) 3
71136 회계정보시스템(Accounting Information System) 3
71137 회계학 특수문제(Contemporary Issues in Accounting) 3
MIS 전공
71159 LSOM & MIS 세미나I(Seminar on LSOM & MIS I)  3
71160 LSOM & MIS 세미나II(Seminar on LSOM & MIS II) 3
71161 LSOM & MIS 세미나III(Seminar on LSOM & MIS III) 3
71162 LSOM & MIS 세미나IV(Seminar on LSOM & MIS IV) 3
71163 인사조직관리 & MIS 세미나 I
(Seminar on Personnel Mangement and Organization Theory & MIS I)
71164 인사조직관리 & MIS 세미나 II
(Seminar on Personnel Mangement and Organization Theory & MIS II)
71165 인사조직관리 & MIS 세미나 III
(Seminar on Personnel Mangement and Organization Theory & MIS III)
71166 인사조직관리 & MIS 세미나 IV
(Seminar on Personnel Mangement and Organization Theory & MIS IV)
71167 회계학&MIS 세미나I(Seminar on Advanced Accounting & MIS I) 3
71168 회계학&MIS 세미나II(Seminar on Advanced Accounting & MIS II) 3
71169 회계학&MIS 세미나III(Seminar on Advanced Accounting & MIS III) 3
71170 회계학&MIS 세미나IV(Seminar on Advanced Accounting & MIS IV) 3
71171 재무정보관리 & MIS 세미나I(Seminar on Financial Information Management I) 3
71172 재무정보관리 & MIS 세미나II(Seminar on Financial Information Management II) 3
71173 재무정보관리 & MIS 세미나III(Seminar on Financial Information Management III) 3
71174 재무정보관리 & MIS 세미나IV(Seminar on Financial Information Management IV) 3